;K770 R8BA024 Orange
;Remove voicerecoreder beep
;(p) Nipoto with APAP
1AEEB7E: 1E 00
1AEEB9A: 14 00
F88BA3: D2 E0
F88BE7: D1 E0
;K770 R8BA024 Orange
;Remove "Emergency calls" 911 and 112 when keyboard is locked.
;©Joker XT
;(p) Nipoto with APAP
11DCD46: 3131320039313100 0000000000000000
;K770 R8BA024 Orange
;Remove Silent Mode message
;(p) Nipoto with APAP
12F3858: 0021 06E0
;K770 R8BA024.
;Clear message "Press "*" and unlock"
;and the message "Now press unlock"
;(c) IronMaster, mobilefree
;(p) Nipoto with APAP
13C2182: C7F710FE C046C046
13C23D8: C7F7E5FC C046C046
;K770 R8BA024 Orange
;Internet Button to Walkman Playing
;© IronMaster
;(p) Nipoto with APAP
12DE32C: 3D 47
;K770i R8BA024 Orange
;vibrate on connect
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) Nipoto with APAP
;(i) SharkExE
DE5CB2: 4A22A35C 984A9047
DE5F16: 9A110000 D184D145
1BD8A02: 6E0075005F0043006C006F0063006B00 4A22A35CFFB5002081B00090A2B06846
1BD8A12: 000000004D0065006E00750049007400 064988477D21C90032220B1C0668FF24
1BD8A22: 65006D005F0053006500740054006500 69343659B04723B0FFBD0000B50E4545
;K770 R8BA024 Orange
;vibre of bt list complete
;(?) E1kolyan
;(p) Nipoto with APAP
12EE826: 111C632007B4104A6148 004801E0BB0F25458047
11114EC: 57F71DFF3F043F0C1FA00022815C521C 111C632007B40A4A0A48FFB5002081B0
11114FC: 0029FBD1521EB818694600220A546846 0090A2B06846084988477D21C9003222
111150C: 0026815D761C0029FBD118493B48761E 0B1C0668FF2469343659B04723B0FFBD
111151C: 03B405230122761C3604360C FFFF0000FFFFFF6FB50E4545
;K770 R8BA024 Orange
;Work Without Sim-Card
;(p) Nipoto with APAP
DF7DF0: 0C1C 6EE0
;K770 R8BA024 Orange
;Faster long filename scrolling
;(c) SiNgle
;(p) Nipoto with APAP
1349E3E: FA21 4A21
1349EFE: FA21 4A21
1349FCA: FA21 4A21
134A017: 0B 05
;K770 R8BA024 Orange
;Heap shift! more stability for patches!
;(c) den_po
;(p) Nipoto with APAP
;info 4 patchmakers: 2018D398...2019D397
;this info is firmware version dependent
197966: 68480A216860 684988470A21
197B0A: 00501400 814FBE45
1AA54B2: 72645F5375620000436F646557616C6C 0CB50649002301229203036004300439
1AA54C2: 65745F4E657750617373776F7264496E 013A002AF9D1286069600CBD00501400
;K770i R8BA024 Orange
;Changing "Music Player" label to "Walkman"
;© PRO
;(p) Nipoto with APAP
126D3B2: 320E C405
17E1EFA: 320E C405;in menu
1B8409E: 880D C405;in Settings (GoMusic)
;1C5AB4C: C204 C405;in start menu if you applied the no tartes EP mode patch
;K770 R8BA024 Orange
;Minimize of BT Transfer
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) Nipoto with APAP
F056B7: B5 47
;K770 R8BA024 Orange
;Player Font to White
;(p) Nipoto with APAP
126B172: 282828FF FFFFFFFF; Menu Items
126B182: 191919FF FFFFFFFF; Tytu³ Menu
;K770 R8BA024 Orange
;Unlimited recording of radio via TrackID.
;Recordings are saved in /tpa/temp/ as MR_Rec.amr
;(1) Run Radio and select TrackID.
;(2) If you want to end recording, kill Radio with BookManager or with ActivityMenu.
;(3) Enjoy <img src="" border="0" align="absmiddle" alt="smile">
;(!) Use with "Advanced File Manager" patch by IronMaster
;(!) The length of the recording is unlimited, but 20 minutes is sufficient.
; v. 2
;(c) jasiek
;(p) Nipoto with APAP
1067FD0: 52F633F9 C046C046
1067FDC: 52F62DF9 C046C046
106890E: 51F694FC C046C046
1067C7A: 64190000 74511200
F88822: 15080000 18130000;Sampling music. Please wait. -> Recording
113A7C2: B90E0000 D01F0000;TrackID -> Record
113A7C6: 3C1C0000 DE0E0000;help str
1068336: 4CD5C645 F4ABC945;Disable start of music recognition service after record
;K770 R8BA024 Orange
; Radio without headsets
; (c) SiNgle
;(p) Nipoto with APAP
113C7F3: D1 E0
;K770 SW-R8BA024 Orange
;Activate settings item for all applications
;(c) RandoM
;(p) Nipoto with APAP
F9F168: 38 01 ;item "Screen size"
;F684F3: 38 01 ;item "Wallpaper"
F9F03A: 38 01 ;item "Move to phone/M.S.