;C902 SW-R3DA028
;Clear display of the latest recent contacts when sending SMS
;(C) UltraShot
;(p) johnliang
14BD8D2: 090C 0221
;C902 SW-R3DA028
;Save backup phone book in a folder named "Other" on the memory card
;(c) McG
;(p) johnliang
1DF6FA8: 2F0063006100720064002F0073007900 2F0063006100720064002F006F007400
1DF6FB8: 7300740065006D00 6800650072000000
1DF7460: 2F0063006100720064002F0073007900 2F0063006100720064002F006F007400
1DF7470: 7300740065006D00 6800650072000000
1F1894C: 2F0063006100720064002F0073007900 2F0063006100720064002F006F007400
1F1895C: 7300740065006D00 6800650072000000
;C902 SW-R3DA028
;Change Alarm Melody Time
1922176: 2904090C 2900C046
192218A: 2904090C 2900C046
113F6C0: 60EA0000 FFFFFFFF ; Unlimited Time
;113F6C0: 60EA0000 30750000 ; 30 Seconds
;113F6C0: 60EA0000 C0D40100 ; 2 Minutes
;113F6C0: 60EA0000 E0930400 ; 5 Minutes
;C902 SW-R3DA028
;Delete Games Applications from file manager
;(c) diezil
;(p) johnliang
1E19588: 948FE111 00000000
1E1958C: AC8FE111 00000000
;C902 SW-R3DA028
;Changing the length melodies with incoming sms
;Replace time for sms sound.
;(c) svinuk
;(p) johnliang
14BA224: 10270000 60EA0000 ;60 Seconds
;14BA224: 10270000 15333300 ;Longer than 6 Minutes 30 Seconds
;14BA224: 10270000 905F0100 ;90 Seconds
;14BA224: 10270000 C8AF0000 ;45 Seconds
;14BA224: 10270000 30750000 ;30 Seconds
;14BA224: 10270000 204E0000 ;20 Seconds
;C902 SW-R3DA028
;Remove icon from video preview
;(c) markross
;(p) johnliang
124104C: 84EA000085EA0000 FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
; C902 SW-R3DA028
; Remove message "Word not found in the dictionary"
; Remove message "is Added in my dictionary"
; Usuwa komunikaty przy uzywaniu slownika T9
; v.2
; (c) IronMaster
; (p) SOAD
1121E24: 00F04EF80298 C046C046C046
2663808: FFF788FF C046C046
;C902 SW-R3DA028
;Whitelist to blacklist
;© SiNgle
;(p) zyonee
113D254: 00D1 00D0
;C902 SW-R3DA028
;Размер шрифта в смс и паре других мест.
;change font in sms and somewhere else
;00 мелкий, 02 крупный, 01 default
;00 small, 02 big, 01 default
;© SiNgle
;(p) zyonee
1F5F8EF: 01 00
;C902 SW-R3DA028
;Delete Icon Key in Java
;Kasuje kluczyk przy aplikacjach Java
;v 0.1
;(c) Adrian
;(p) SOAD
1231c00 ABF80000AAF80000A9F80000A8F80000 ACF80000ACF8000064F8000064F80000
;C902 SW-R3DA028
;Usuwa komunikat o wlaczeniu trybu cichego
;Remove "nosound" message when turn on silent mode
;(?) SiNgle
;(p) SOAD
187fa04: 0AD0 0AE0
;C902 SW-R3DA028
;Usuwa komunikat przy zmianie profilu
;Delite message "Profile" at choice of the profile
;Fixed work buttons play/pause
;© IronMaster, Joker XT
;(p) SOAD
1A5c9e2: FFF7 00BD
;C902 SW-R3DA028
;Change "MOV" to Whatever you like
;(p) johnliang
200AEBA: 4D 4D ; "M" -> "M"
200AEBC: 4F 50 ; "0" -> "P"
200AEBE: 56 34 ; "V" -> "4"
;0 = 30
;1 = 31
;2 = 32
;3 = 33
;4 = 34
;5 = 35
;6 = 36
;7 = 37
;8 = 38
;9 = 39
;A = 41
;B = 42
;C = 43
;D = 44
;E = 45
;F = 46
;G = 47
;H = 48
;I = 49
;J = 4A
;K = 4B
;L = 4C
;M = 4D
;N = 4E
;O = 4F
;P = 50
;Q = 51
;R = 52
;S = 53
;T = 54
;U = 56
;V = 57
;X = 58
;Y = 59
;Z = 5A
;C902 SW-R3DA028
;Zoom bluetooth name up to 32 characters
;(c) 2007KrasH
;(p) johnlinag
10FE602: 14 20
;C902 SW-R3DA028
;hide red phone icon in the status bar when the whitelist / blacklist included
;(c) hippy dave
;(p) johnliang
193E4F4: 00F00AF8 C046C046
1A5A6B4: 02D0 C046
;C902 SW-R3DA028
;Open files with the extension *. vkp integrated browser as text files instead of *. txt or *. htm
;Ver 2
;(c) McG
;(r) polza
;(p) johnliang
1FF9A78: 7400780074 76006B0070;txt
1CB8A0F: 747874 766B70
;1FF9BD8: 680074006D 76006B0070;htm
;1CB8A01: 68746D 766B70
;C902 SW-R3DA028
;Full access to file managers on Java in FS phone
;Attention! Having removed/having moved the necessary files,
;you can deprive with working capacity phone!
;(c) , neoDimm
;(p) johnliang
1E74B88: 630061006D0065007200610000000000 69006600730000005100750065007500
1E74B98: 70006900630074007500720065007300 65000000740070006100000073007900
1E74BA8: 000000006D0075007300690063000000 7300740065006D000000750073006200
1E74BB8: 2F007500730062002F004D0055005300 00002F00730079007300740065006D00
1E74BC8: 490043000000000076006900 00002F004900460053000000
1E74C58: E46CD511 CA4BE711;"/usb/dcim" -> "/ifs"
1E74C68: 984BE711 904BE711
1E74C70: F86CD511 68EBAD11;"/usb/picture" -> "/queue"
1E74C80: AC4BE711 9C4BE711
1E74C88: B84BE711 0C51D511;"/usb/music" -> "/tpa"
1E74C98: D04BE711 A44BE711
1E74CA0: B86FD511 BA4BE711;"/usb/video" -> "/system"
1E74CB0: E04BE711 B24BE711
1E74CB8: 786DD511 6C6CD511;"/usb/other" -> "/usb"
;C902 SW-R3DA028
;Clear message "Press" * "and unlock"
;And the message "Now press unlock"
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) johnliang
194FD5E: B8F7E7FF C046C046
1950040: B8F776FE C046C046
;C902 SW-R3DA028
;Renaming files with extensions
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) johnliang
122C9DC: 721B 321C
122CAB4: 65F2EAFE C046C046
122CAD8: 65F2D8FE C046C046
;C902 SW-R3DA028
; Remove message "Word not found in the dictionary"
; Remove message "is Added in my dictionary"
; v.2
; (c) IronMaster
; (p) SOAD
118A5CAC: 00F046F8F0BD C046C046C046
118A692E: FFF75BFA C046C046
;C902 SW-R3DA028
;Vibra when connecting
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) johnliang
1138F4C: 00784E34 73498847
113911C: 0E0A0000 31E86912
269E830: 00000000000000000000000000000000 00784E34FFB581B06846074988470098
269E840: 00000000000000000000000000000000 FA21890032220B1C0668FF2489343659
269E850: 000000000000000000000000 B04701B0FFBDFFFF1D128911