;W910 SW-R1FA037
;Change "DSC" to "PIC" in names created photos
;(c) jockep
;(p) Photographer
1B70C70: 4400530043 5000490043
1B70CD4: 4400530043 5000490043
;W910 R1FA037
;Show unrounded brightness percentages.(77%)
;© 2007KrasH
;(p) Photographer
15F4510: 00F07CF90022111C401D0A2358430006 C046C046C046C046C046C046C046C046
15F4520: 000E C046
;W910 R1FA037
;Bluetooth only in "send" option
;v. 1fix
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) Photographer
1007AF8: 0678 0026
;W910 SW-R1FA037
;Recorded videos called MP4xxxxxxxx
;(p) Photographer
1BF4A04: 4F 50
1BF4A06: 56 34
;W910 R1FA037
;Radio without handsets
;(c) Phenomen
;(p) Photographer
13064FC: 01D1 01E0
;W910 SW-R1FA037
;Move tpa/system/icons to card/other/icons
;Create a folder called "icons" in the "other" folder on your memory card
;(p) Photographer
1B51F6E: 7400700061002F00730079007300740065006D 63006100720064002F006F0074006800650072
;W910 SW-R1FA037
;Change the secret menu ">*<<*<*" to any keycombination
;(c) demon_17
;(p) Photographer
11BF157: 0B001D000F000F001D000F001D 13001300130013001300130013
;1 :0x14
;2 :0x15
;3 :0x16
;4 :0x17
;5 :0x18
;6 :0x19
;7 :0x1A
;8 :0x1B
;9 :0x1C
;* :0x1D
;0 :0x13
;# :0x1E
;W910 SW-R1FA037
;Change "Sony Ericsson ROCKS!" to "Nokia SUCKS"
;Usage: (ServiceMenu-->ModelInfo-->Press 2,4,6,8)
;(r) D-Man
;(P) Photographer
20FBE3F: 536F6E79204572696373736F6E0A524F434B5321 4E6F6B6961205355434B53210000000000000000
;W910 SW-R1FA037
;Whitelist to blacklist
;(c) SiNgle
;(p) Photographer
F05450: 00D1 00D0
;W910 R1FA037
;Renaming files along with the expansion
;© IronMaster
;(P) Photographer
FE6FAA: 721B 321C
FE7074: 6CF2EEFE C046C046
FE7098: 6CF2DCFE C046C046
;W910 SW-R1FA037
;Viewing of hex-numbers of keys in "Service tests"-"Keyboard"
; (c) RandoM
; (r) UltraShot
; (i) Va_st
; (p) Photographer
122C8C6: 085E6D1C00F02DF8B900 014A1047FFFFF1091812
21809F0: 00000000000000000000000000000000 085E6D1CFEB4041C031C10A20B2183B0
2180A00: 00000000000000000000000000000000 684600F00CF8684600210B4A00230024
2180A10: 00000000000000000000000000000000 00F00AF803B0FEBCB900064A104708B4
2180A20: 00000000000000000000000000000000 024B9C4608BC6047014B184789065110
2180A30: 00000000000000000000000000000000 85376511D1C82211FFFF00005B003000
2180A40: 00000000000000000000000000000000 7800250078005F006800650078005D00
2180A50: 00000000 2C000000
;W910 SW-R1FA037
;Heap shift! more stability for patches!
;????? ????! ?????? ???????????? ??????!
;(c) den_po
;(p) Photographer
;info 4 patchmakers: 2A2AC3EC...2A2BC3EB
;this info is firmware version dependent
57766: C8204003686080200001 0149884701E0310F1812
2180F30: 00000000000000000000000000000000 0CB51921090400230122920303600430
2180F40: 00000000000000000000000000000000 0439013AFAD1286069600CBC0120C002
2180F50: 0000 00BD
;W910 SW-R1FA037
;Open files with the extension *. vkp integrated browser as text files instead of *. txt or *. htm
;Ver 2
;(c) McG
;(r) polza
;(p) Photographer
1BE4470: 680074006D 76006B0070;htm
1926FD9: 68746D 766B70
;W910 SW-R1FA037
; Clear some messages
; v.2
; © jamesbond22
; (p) Photographer
F0D2A2: 06D0 2EE0; "Alarm signal changed"
FEF69B: D0 E0; "Message alert changed"
FEBC5B: D0 E0; "Start-up screen changed"
FEBAF9: D1 E0; "Screen saver changed"
FEF4ED: D0 E0; "Ringtone changed"
10B1B2A: 10D0 10E0; "Run now?" after installing Java
15DD9EC: 09D0 09E0; "No sound" when turning on silent mode
15F4A34: 50 FF; "Increasing brightness drains battery"
16073BC: 00F04EF802E0 C046C046C046; "Word not found in the dictionary"
1607FD0: FFF788FA C046C046; "Added to my dictionary"
16766B2: 00b5 7047; Remove Hourglass
1691ACC: 00F01AF8 C046C046; "Wallpaper changed"
16B7064: 0022 1BE0; "Quick charging" and "Fully Charged"
17735C2: FFF7 00BD; "Profile changed"
;W910 R1FA037
;Displays files with the extension
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) Photographer
FEA18C: AA1B 321C
;W910 R1FA037
;Delete Icon Key in Java
;v 0.1
;(c) Adrian
;(p) Photographer
10B13D4: ABF80000AAF80000A9F80000A8F80000 ACF80000ACF8000064F8000064F80000
;W910 R1FA037
;Renaming files along with the expansion
;© IronMaster
;(P) Photographer
FE6FAA: 721B 321C
FE7074: 6CF2EEFE C046C046
FE7098: 6CF2DCFE C046C046